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Tours and Guided Visits in Rome and Around Rome

Guided Tours in Rome: Fountains and Aqueducts of Rome

Parco degli Acquedotti, Fontana delle Naiadi, Fontana Mosè, Quattro Fontane, Fontana del Tritone, Fontana della Barcaccia, Fontana di Trevi, Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi

RomaGuideTour - Visite guidate a Roma - Via Appia

Tour details

Follow with me the path of the Roman Aqueducts until we reach the great squares and the extraordinary fountains of Rome. A journey through the masterpieces of great Roman architecture, Baroque fountains and ancient public baths.

Tour pricing

Morning or afternoons within Rome city limits, max 3 hrs
   120 euros one single participant (2h)
   150 euros couple / family with children (3h)
   170 euros groups max 25 participants (3h) + 6 euro / pax after the 25th participant (radio included)
   Conventions and discounts for schools

Tour frequency and duration

   Available every day
   Tour duration: 3 hrs 
   Optional tour start time: 09am – 2pm – 6pm (evening tour, seasonal, pending tickets availabilities)
   Meeting Point: Termini station
   Transfers: included for groups up to 4 pax

Tour info

   Wear comfortable clothes and shoes
   Bring a bottle of water about 1.5 liters per person
   Bring a hat and sunscreen (during the summer season)
   It is possible to buy food on site for the lunch break

Major attractions

   Park of the Aqueducts
   Fontana delle Naiadi
   Fontana Mosè
   Quattro Fontane
   Fontana del Tritone
   Fontana della Barcaccia
   Fontana di Trevi
   Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi


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More details about the guided tour

If you are a lover of great public works and Roman imperial civil architecture you cannot miss the Rome Fountains and Aqueducts tour.

We will start from the Aqueducts Park, where you can follow me on a short 3-hour tour in this vast park that extends for 240 hectares and contains within it 6 of the 11 ancient Roman aqueducts. We will discover how the engineers of ancient Rome managed to meet the daily needs of the million inhabitants who populated the city. We will analyze construction techniques and the flow rates of these aqueducts, which could even reach more than 2,000 liters per second, but also how this water was cleaned of impurities and above all how water distribution took place in the ancient Rome.

If you want to know more, you can extend your tour to 6 hours and then we will discover how some of the routes of these ancient aqueducts were then reused in the Renaissance to serve the large public fountains and supply the people of Rome with public water to the city center. .

We will talk about the great public fountains of Rome such as the Trevi Fountain, the Triton Fountain, the Barcaccia Fountain, the Fountain of the Four Rivers, the Fountain of Moses and many other monumental fountains of Rome, each one hiding symbolic and political function among its elements.


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